Welcome to the Matuku Link Shop
Every purchase contributes to our work of restoring and maintaining the Matuku Link wetland.
Velvet and Elvis written and eelustrated by Stephanie Bowman - $22.00
Velvet & Elvis is a gorgeous and simple book; an important story of New Zealand's long fin eel told with Stephanie Bowman's stunning paintings.
Old Velvet the longfin eel has made New Zealand's Lake Rotoiti her home for 101 years. Lately, as hungry male eels swim around smelling for food, she rests her soft, velvety belly on the bottom. Her tummy is now filled with millions of tiny eggs, leaving no room for food. Velvet knows her time in this protected water is ending. And now, she has something more important to do than eating.
The longfin eel (Anguilla dieffenbachii) is the world's largest and longest-lived freshwater eel and is a creature of great cultural and biological significance in New Zealand. Velvet & Elvis is a global citizen's thoughtful response to a unique species on the edge of extinction.
Stephanie Bowman combines her talents as an artist, her skills as a science and art educator, and her passion for the environment to help others gain a deeper appreciation of the natural world.