If it was the tiny bit of desperation that shone through my call for planters last Sunday, or the fact it was a sunny day after two weeks of rain, if it was the School Holidays or if it is the yummy food shared… whatever the reason, we had a HUGE team of helpers to plant. Thank you to all our planters, aged 6 to 76, for digging holes and carefully giving our lovely eco-sourced plant babies the best future possible. We almost ran out of spades for our planters! Luckily everyone is always adaptable and we made teams and shared. Loads of carex grasses, many ti kouka (cabbage trees), trays full of manuka and kanuka (the pointy and non-pointy ones) and some nice karamu (coprosma robusta), hebes, kahikatea and totara were planted. I have to admit I lost track of the exact numbers, but it will have been close to 500!

A special mention to Brendan Cameron who brought his whole team from Radically, and our super supporter Carly who brought most members of her whanau and their friends. Well done!!!

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you. I hope you enjoyed the day as well and if you’ve recovered in four weeks’ time, we’d love to see you again on Sunday 21st of August.

Annalily & the team of trustees