What We Do


Our first goal is restoration: to revive and replant the wetland areas of our property, bringing them back to their natural state. Our process starts in our onsite nursery, where we grow eco-sourced native plants carefully chosen to suit the unique needs of the wetland, forest edges, and riparian zones along the Waitākere River and its many tributaries. These native plants, from sedges to larger trees, play a vital role in re-establishing the local ecosystem, filtering water, stabilizing soil, and providing habitat for wildlife. Since 2016, our team of volunteers has grown and planted over 30,000 native plants on-site!

As of 2024, our planting areas at Matuku Link are nearly full, which led us to create “Matuku Link on Tour,” a new outreach initiative that takes our knowledge and resources to help local landowners with their own wetland and riparian restoration efforts. The nursery team and volunteers make this all possible, from seed collection to planting.

Learn more about our nursery team here.


Our second goal is protection. We follow best practices in pest control to restore bird populations and create safe habitats for native flora and fauna. Our dedicated volunteers manage traplines with over 100 traps and baitlines with over 300 bait stations, helping to control introduced predators like rats, stoats, and possums that pose a major threat to our native species. Because of this pest control, pāteke (brown teal) were successfully reintroduced into the area in 2015/2016 after having been locally extinct, largely due to predation by stoats. Thanks to ongoing monitoring, we’re thrilled to see pāteke now thriving in the wetlands.

Learn more about our animal pest control here.

Our volunteers are also vital in protecting native flora, as they work to remove invasive weeds that can crowd out and harm local plant species. Controlling invasive plants allows our wetlands to flourish naturally and provides essential food and shelter for wetland species.

Learn more about our plant pest control here.


Our third goal is education, aiming to teach all our visitors something new, no matter their background.

The barn has been transformed into our Sustainable Wetland Education Centre. Our school programme, Te Rohe Koreporepo, was co-designed with our local iwi, Te Kawerau ā Maki, and welcomes over 1,000 students each year to explore and learn about the importance of wetlands. This hands-on experience lets students become scientists for a day, learning to monitor the health and mauri of our wetlands. Learn more about our school education here.

During school holidays, we offer a programme where children explore wetland plants and animals, get creative with natural materials, and dive into the aspects of wetland life that spark their curiosity.  Learn more about our school holiday programme here.

Our website also provides free resources, regularly updated with activities like experiments, scavenger hunts, plant and animal guides, and links to helpful external resources we recommend. See our resources here.


Our fourth goal is inspiration: to spark a connection to the natural world and encourage a deeper appreciation for wetlands. Many visitors are amazing when they see how quickly our plants grow when given proper care and protection. Beyond nature, the wetland’s beauty has attracted many artists, each finding unique ways to showcase its wonder.

One of our own volunteers, local artist Derek March, was inspired to create a 30-meter-long mural onsite that beautifully weaves together the history of the area with the remarkable migration journey of tuna heke (eels). In 2023, Derek also shared his works with the community at Matuku Link during the annual Open Studios Waitākere event, and by 2024, he was joined by 13 other talented artists who displayed their works here, inspired by Te Henga and the natural landscape that surrounds us.

Learn more about Open Studios here.

Contact us:

Secretary Annalily van den Broeke

022 692 2016 or email us at hello@matukulink.org.nz

Physical address:

111 Bethells Road, Te Henga, Auckland

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