Our last working bee for 2018 was a Search and Rescue mission: some of the smaller plants, mainly manuka and kanuka planted by Ricoh in August, were getting smothered by dock. Armed with ‘sharks’, a very useful tool to slash through hands full of stems (and the occasional finger), we rediscovered hundreds of white tipped bamboo stakes, most with our precious natives near them. After a couple of very hot hours, we retreated to a more shaded spot under a tree to proudly survey the results of our work, and have a well earned glass of cold water!

Thanks to all of you who donated your time over the past year, it has been an amazing year once again. I personally can’t believe it has only been two years since we’ve started working on Matuku Link, so many things have changed for the better already. And I can’t wait to see it change even more, into the wetland it was, enhanced with boardwalks, re-invaded by native birds, re-colonised by native plants, with facilities for people to learn more about our ecosystem through enjoying it.

Hope to see you again in 2019! – Annalily & the trustees