Girl Power!

Girl Power!

For the third year in a row, the Girl Guides came to help us! Some of the plants the girls planted as little saplings three years ago, were now twice the girl’s height! After a short welcome by myself, an introduction on mammals and predator control by expert...
Celebrate Conservation Week

Celebrate Conservation Week

Come and pot a plant, plant a tree, rescue a reed or search for a scrub… it’s all part of our September Working Bee for Conservation Week! With the floods from last week, a lot of debris has been collected in the tops of our newly planted trees and shrubs:...
The financial backstory

The financial backstory

Mortgage free in 3 years, for a $2,040.000 property? The trustees of the Matuku Reserve Trust had it on their wish list, and their wish came true, with the help of many parties along the way. This is the story of an Auckland unicorn… The story starts over...
A picture is worth…

A picture is worth…

… a thousand words? Even more in our case I image, as it is very hard to describe a leaf of a tree, a rare bird or the energy of a group of volunteers. That is why we are extremely blessed to have not one, not two but THREE semi-professional photographers in our...
Big Barn Yarn

Big Barn Yarn

Remember how we started when we got the keys to Matuku Link in January 2017? Every working bee was about rubbish, cleaning up and clearing out. A lot of the work focussed around the old, ‘well ventilated’ barn, with the vision to restore it and turn it...