For the third year in a row, the Girl Guides came to help us! Some of the plants the girls planted as little saplings three years ago, were now twice the girl’s height! After a short welcome by myself, an introduction on mammals and predator control by expert James Russel who conveniently joined us in his capacity of father of little Emma, we gathered the plants and headed out to the planting site. Led by the ever engaging Derek and Jenny from our end, and Katherine and her team of leaders from her end, the girls and their siblings and carers did a great job of planting over 150 trees, grasses and shrubs on the north east side of our river culvert.
The weather totally played along and a couple of hours later all was done and dusted (or more accurately: done and muddy!) and the group enjoyed their well deserved lunch. Unfortunately the river was too muddy after recent rains to see any eels, but they’ll just have to come back to see them. So see you next year, young ladies!
Hope to see you there! – Annalily & the trustees
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