The Matuku isn’t our namesake for nothing, it is a very special bird. They are cryptic birds so we need to know more about them. Developing a database of where they were heard will increase awareness of matuku presence generally and add to knowledge of their site preference. Although bitterns/matuku can disperse to and through various wetlands throughout the year, the booming of the male matuku defines a site as a potential breeding territory. Males boom from early spring through to summer to attract mates and to deter rivals.

               Where did you hear your matuku boom this year?

This Citizen Science project will accumulates a database of annual territories to give an additional indication of population stability or decline. Add every boom you hear in our survey here and consider asking any residents close by your wetland[s] of interest to also take part- the more information the better! We can send you posters to help spread the word.

More info with John Sumich or via and fill out the survey here.


Beautiful bittern images by Imogen Warren Photography.