We’ll celebrate World Wetland Day on Saturday 2nd February 2019 with our annual Open Day at Matuku Link – from 10 am to 3 pm. Stalls from other conservation organisations will display info on wetlands, birds and ecosystems, there will be food, drinks and raffles for sale as well as guided tours, self-guided walks and lots of people to talk to about our plans for the future. Did you know there is only about 9% of wetlands left in the Auckland region? Time to reverse that trend with our wetland project.
If you’ve been to Matuku Link before, come and show your family and friends the changes you’ll see (there will be many!) or if you haven’t been before, see it before it changes even more into the beautifully restored wetland and Sustainable Wetland Education Center we’re aiming for.
See you there!
Annalily & trustees Matuku Link – John Sumich, John Staniland, Geoff Davidson, Chad Wilkie
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