It’s hot, it’s dry…. and still the weeds are growing! Help us free our earlier planted trees from grasses overwhelming or convolvulus strangling them. We’d love you to join us at 111 Bethells Road at one of our Summer Sundays.  For H&S reasons: if you haven’t been before, please REGISTER here.

Summer Sundays starti at 10 am and finish at 1 pm with a shared lunch (or a bit earlier if it’s too hot!). Great fun for all ages!

  • Sunday 19th January 
  • Sunday 16th February
  • Sunday 16th March

If you’re new, we’ll take you on a guided tour around the project, you might see pateke our rare brown teal, or admire our huge eels. If you’re a regular, you know how much fun this is, so bring your friends! All ages welcome, especially the tamariki.

  • no need to bring your own gloves and spades, but if you do: everything needs to be squeaky clean because of kauri dieback
  • for the shared lunch we’ll provide soup or salad & snacks (and homemade baking if you’re lucky!) & hot drinks to share, if you can bring something to add, that’s always appreciated.

If you’re more interested in coming during the week, join us on Tuesdays from 9 am till noon. But don’t forget if you haven’t been before to register HERE.

Hope to see you there! – Annalily & the trustees   0212207136 or