The goal of repurposing the existing old barn into a Sustainable Wetland Education Centre is now much closer with $40,000 to be spend on a new roof, insulation and a new waste water treatment system.
The removal of the asbesthos cladding from the barn was a big step forward towards a safe working environment and many volunteers subsequently helped to reclad the barn and worked on the interior. The recent successful application for a grant from The Trusts Community Foundation (TTCF) will allow several key elements of Matuku Link’s renovation and renovation of the barn into a Sustainable Wetland Education Centre.

Matuku Link Trust chair Chad Wilkie: “With a new roof and the re-cladding, the building will soon be weather tight and fit for purpose into the future, to be used by volunteers, students and groups alike”.

Another part of the funding will go towards the replacement of an old septic tank system in favour of a sustainable waste water treatment system. John Sumich, initiator and Matuku Link trustee, tells us that is an important part of the values of the project: “Matuku Link, has a prime aim of the centre being education of the values of wetlands and the streams and rivers associated with them, so the grant for this new waste water is particularly appropriate. With the next planting season approaching and many groups anticipated to assist, high quality water discharge can be assured”.

With a nursery full of plants to put into the ground in the coming months, the volunteers helping out at our monthly working bees will definitely appreciate coming back to an education centre where they will be warm and dry!