Welcome back! Were very happy we can invite you to Matuku Link again, especially in August for Conservation Week, BUT with the new rules, there are some changes:

  • when you’re sick, stay home.
  •  no need to bring your own gloves and spades anymore, but if you do: everything needs to be squeaky clean because of kauri dieback
  • fill in our H&S and tracing form before you come. Click here for the link. Contact me if you have any issues with the form.

The upcoming working bee dates are:

  • Sunday 16th of August
  • Sunday 20th of September
  • Sunday 18th of October (day after the Kayak Day)

Start time 10 am, finishing with a shared lunch at 1 pm. It’s winter time – even if the dams are low, the water level is high in the wetland, so it’s gum boot time. Make sure they are clean before you come please.

Hope to see you there! – Annalily & the trustees