A great working bee was had on Sunday 19th of August, with such good weather people were stripping down to t-shirts and shorts! The non-native willows from the neighbours, shading out our planting areas, got a good haircut by Geoff, who had a great time with his new pole saw. Boys and toys? Say no more! The others did tasks like re-taping bait lines, repairing the water intake, made a ‘door’ to the shade house to keep critters from sneaking under the netting into the nursery, potting up the kahikatea, shovelling the stones and rubble to the right spot, and dishing out morning biscuits to the lucky ones at the nursery! Some even caught a glimpse of our resident pateke.

It was great to be outside on this beautiful day, and a lovely lunch was shared by all.

Thank you and see you next time!- Annalily & the trustees

All images by our voluntary professional photographer Jacqui Geux – thank you!