Last year the Brownies planted the area in front of our nursery (though the nursery wasn’t there yet), this year they came back to check on those plants. And they have grown! The Brownies almost as much as the plants.  But they did much more than that: after the instructions by Derek, they planted one of our stream beds, went for a walk in the wetland and… lobbed raupo seed balls at trustee John Staniland! Aiming for him (and mostly missing him), made sure they were well spread around the pond area where we’d like many more raupo (bull rush) to grow, to provide shelter and food for our native birds and fish.

Thank you Brownies (and some Scouts and Pippins) and all the accompanying adults for your hard work today. We hope to see you next year to check on the plants you gave a good home today.

Annalily, John Staniland and Derek March.