Trustee John Fawcett

Trustee John Fawcett

We weren’t content with just two Johns as trustees, we just had to go and recruit a third one!   With a career as a humanitarian worker that took him to the USA, Cambodia, and Nepal, John brings a wealth of experience to our team. Since returning to New Zealand,...
Trustee Dale Bainbridge

Trustee Dale Bainbridge

Dale was an Architectural Designer/Technician, responsible for the design and detailing of many institutional buildings, industrial and complex residential for the early part of his working life. Building construction completed the circle and his company has been...
Trustee Chad Wilkie

Trustee Chad Wilkie

A former Chartered Accountant, and senior partner in global accounting and consulting practice at Deloitte, Chad Wilkie brings over 30 years of professional and practical business experience to the role of trustee. Chad’s current activities include that of Chair of...
Former trustee Geoff Davidson

Former trustee Geoff Davidson

Geoff’s adult life started with a civil service job and the orthodox O.E. of a young kiwi who, upon returning to NZ, was faced with the question: “What to do with my life?” Conservation issues pushed him into a job and an all-consuming hobby which have...
Trustee John Staniland

Trustee John Staniland

A retired secondary school teacher, John Staniland has been closely involved with Forest & Bird for 50 years and was the first chairman of its Waitākere Branch. He is a founder and honorary ranger of the Society’s 120-hectare Matuku Reserve, which is adjacent to...
Trustee John Sumich

Trustee John Sumich

A lifelong interest in fauna and flora, what used to be called “Nature Study”, when he was a child, stayed with John through his adult life. A science degree at Auckland was followed with a medical degree from Otago University. He set up his general medical practice...