Finally we were able to welcome the children from year 3 and 4 from our local Henderson Valley Primary school. Finally, because this trip has been planned two times before… both during last year’s lockdowns! Luckily this time this year we could go ahead and have some fun in the sun… or in the rain as it turned out to be!

The children, teachers and parent helpers were absolute champions with this slightly unfortunate weather. Planting, learning about seed dispersal, pests and predators, wetlands and of course eels: it was great to see everyone engaged and mucking in.

The Monday group planted about 200 small cabbage trees (ti kouka) and flaxes (harakeke) in the planting beds, to grow big and strong for next year’s planting. The Tuesday group and group the following Monday did a superb job of planting our babies, our beautifully grown trees from our nursery – adding around 250 trees and shrubs to our forest, providing shelter and food for our birds and insects in years to come. Supervised by piwakawaka and dive-bombed by two kereru it was a great outing for all, although I do feel for the parents who had to clean their cars after transporting the students back to school!

Hopefully we will see many of you on future working bees (every Third Sunday of the month) or at an Open Day to check on your trees.

And I’m sure we’ll see another couple of classes next year here at Matuku Link as well!

Nga mihi nui, Annalily & Derek & all our volunteers