The Kiwi Conservation Club, the junior group of Forest & Bird, is run by volunteers and has been visiting Matuku Link since we started. It’s always great to see the look on people’s faces when they see how much the plants have grown which they planted with their children last year, or even the year before! The trees have definitely grown faster than the visiting children, which I’m sure is a good thing.

With the parents working almost as hard as their children, they planted our river edge along the Pateke Pond with carex and low growing shrubs, to provide a stable edge and habitat for all our native birds and insects. We discovered one of the parents is an entomologist, to the delight of the children: he pointed out all the bugs we came across while digging the holes for the plants.  

This time their visit coincided with our July Monthly working Bee, so we had a full car park and a full house at lunch time. It was super to see everyone mingle, share stories, soup and home made bread and enjoy the beautiful weather we had. It certainly felt more like spring than winter!

Hope to see you there! – Annalily & the trustees