by admin | May 24, 2021 | groups, News
We love to see groups returning to Matuku Link: they can admire the health of the trees they planted, check out the other things we’ve done and become part of our growing (excuse the pun) project. One of those groups is the Kiwi Conservation Club, Forest &...
by admin | Mar 28, 2021 | groups, News, Uncategorized
What a great day we had on the water at our VIP Kayak Day! Thanks to the hard work of our 15 volunteers, doing the sausage sizzle, baking cakes, making soup, instructing, driving and helping people in- and out of the kayaks, guiding them on the water and sharing our...
by admin | Oct 14, 2020 | groups, News
The first and last business planting group of 2020 – thanks to Covid we have had to cancel everyone else. But the team from Lion worked tremendously hard on their volunteer day to make up for that and planted hundreds of trees, shrubs and flaxes. It was right...
by admin | Aug 6, 2020 | groups, News
The Kiwi Conservation Club, the junior group of Forest & Bird, is run by volunteers and has been visiting Matuku Link since we started. It’s always great to see the look on people’s faces when they see how much the plants have grown which they planted...
by Annalily | Jan 21, 2020 | groups, News
Girl Guides from all over New Zealand had a five day camp in Auckland, with a focus on science and the environment. At Matuku Link we treated them to a whole range of activities, with the help of Dr Grace Hall, arachnologist/entomologist from Landcare Research, and Dr...
by BFTAdmin | Sep 22, 2019 | groups, News
For the third year in a row, the Girl Guides came to help us! Some of the plants the girls planted as little saplings three years ago, were now twice the girl’s height! After a short welcome by myself, an introduction on mammals and predator control by expert...
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